Sunday, March 29, 2009

Travel Pack boards

Fall 2008
First Renderign project.

1 comment:

  1. Julian,

    The environment on top has way too much perspective. Perspective is great and all, but consider this: the purpose of thsi drawing is to show the product in use, and at first glance of this drawing, all i see if the EXTREMELY deep space you are cresting with this perspective. The drawing is great, really, it is, but for future reference, please keep in mind, that everything you draw has a purpose before you draw it, whether it be to show a product in use, in which case you must make all the elements int he composition work to emphasize the purpose of the image, or to highlight different views of an object, which leads me into the second image.

    One piece of advice i can offe you is the age old acronym: KISS, keep it simple stupid. You would not believe how crappy something can become when you try to remedy a problem just by adding more stuff. There is an amazing saying in design: "something is not perfect when there is nothing left to be put on, but when there is nothing left to be taken away.".

    Considering this, I think the background image really kills this whole thing, it distracts from the important element, which is the product. Also, a graphic design tip: you must be EXTREMELY cautious when placing ANYTHING on black. Black is a very powerful visual element, and it tends to suck things up and kill them unless it it used wisely. In this situation, a white background, might have worked better to emphasize the product, it would have also instantly showed you weak areas in your rendering that you could have remedied before placing the renderings on the board.

    Compositionally, i think the staggering of the renderings is ineffective, they would have worked better in a straight row, as of now, the staggering is attracting a lot of unnecessary attention. Also, your body copy on the top left can benefit from being bigger to increase legibility. Also, your log really disappears into the background when it should pop forward, and one last thing, the rightmost bag is uncomfortably close to your name.

    Great first job! I am looking orward to seeing awesome stuff from you!
